The Peace Every Day Initiative: A Global Collective Effort
It has been hypothesized that as little as the square root of one percent of the world population, which is approximately 8,000 people, is enough to shift the global mind into one of world consciousness for peace. It is for this reason that the Peace Every Day Initiative is committed to inspire at least 8,000 people to collectively create a powerful thought-form of peace, every day. Our vision is that the number of people meditating collectively through consciousness and intention will soon surpass 144,000, a sacred number for the healing of the world that will bring the Thousand Years of Peace. May the initiative spread to include millions of committed peace workers world-wide.
History shows us that it takes more than a few peace celebrations to sustain peace on earth. This is the time to step-up the effort of our intention and become a continuous, active, global vibration of peace.