Our Mission & Vision
The Vision & Mission of the Tree of Life Foundation
Our vision is to create a living experience of the meaning of sustainable healthy living for the individual and for the planet. This means providing people with a direct experience of what it means to live a quality of life that is healing both to themselves and to the planet of every single level from agricultural interests of our society to personal health, emotional health, and spiritual health. We offer this so that people can know that such an existence is real and can experience the joy of living that way. In essence, each person has a deep yearning to live a quality of life or what we may call an “awakened normality”. In that way the Tree of Life is an oasis for awakening.
The Tree of Life Foundation is deeply committed to providing experiences and empowering people to apply that experience of “awakened normality” back into their lives. The Tree of Life Foundation mission is to be an oasis of awakening on every level and provide a direct experience of a quality of life that is healing to oneself and to the planet, through pure reliable agriculture, personal health, emotional well-being and spiritual vitality.
The Tree of Life Foundation is a non-profit religious Corporation organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Our primary focus is uplifting the planet through healing and transformation. Learn more about the ways we are doing this by clicking on the tabs to your left.
How We Serve
How We Serve
The Tree of Life is actively involved in establishing and operating a number of spiritual, ecological, humanitarian, and health projects in the United States and around the world. All of our projects are designed for the healing of the planet…from the personal to the ecological and spiritual level. Presently there are a number of projects in which we are actively engaged. They include:
Supporting & Expanding Our Local Congregation (Local Community):: We have established a spiritual, religious, educational, ecologically active, healing order and Essene temple/congregation to conduct public Shabbat services, and to carry on the spiritual and religious beliefs, principles, practices, teachings, and educational work of The Tree of Life Center U.S. in Patagonia, Arizona.
Supporting & Expanding Our Global Congregation (Global Community):: The Tree of Life Foundation has a variety of non-affiliated, independent centers around the world who carry on the general spiritual and religious beliefs, principles, practices, teachings, and educational work of the Tree of Life in their own unique way. Learn more here.
Teaching Our Philosophy & Way of Life:: We provide information and instruction in the Six Foundations and Sevenfold Peace as taught by Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, M.D., as well as the laws and forces of Spiritual and Natural Life, the angelic forces of the Tree of Life, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and the Modern Essene Way. We instruct, educate, and teach individuals—privately or publicly—in groups or classes, at home, at the Tree of Life Center U.S. or elsewhere, by means of courses, text books, pamphlets, other documents and publications, lectures, discussions or forums, correspondence, or by any other means, methods or plans. We offer training, self-empowerment courses, family life, psycho-spiritual healing, food preparation, and detox and spiritual healing are offered for increasing the quality of life and healthy functioning of families and couples. We emphasize a family-centered approach to health. Learn more at drcousens.com.
Walking Our Talk:: We practice and teach all forms of the art of healing, cosmotherapy, vegan live food nutrition, spiritual nutritional counseling, and holistic health as a way of life as was taught and practiced by the ancient Essenes. This includes fostering and teaching the natural and practical way to Peace, Love, Harmony which guide people toward personal, family, community, and planetary harmony, and to work in harmony with other Essene organizations. Learn more here.
Training Leaders:: We train, enlighten, and ordain priests and priestesses as well as lay teachers in the way of the Tree of Life Six Foundations and the Sevenfold Peace to enable them to carry on the spiritual, educational, and healing work of the Modern Essenes, and to administer the spiritual needs of its members and the world community at large. We are transforming health and humanitarian awareness both on the personal and global levels through cutting-edge work on the art and science of rejuvenating health and well-being. We are acting as an inspirational training center for people around the world by helping them directly experience the joy of health, harmony, and rejuvenation, helping them take it back to their own countries. We have a highly recognized program in nutrition and food preparation also attended by students from around the world. Most students go on to teach health and lifestyle and start plant-source-only restaurants around the globe. Learn more here.
Rebalancing The Ecology:: We support the return of the planetary and local ecology to its natural state including the establishment and growth of organic gardens, permaculture projects, seed saving and exchange programs, and all training programs to achieve these purposes carried on at the Tree of Life Center U.S. or elsewhere in the world. The Tree of Life Foundation has developed an sustainable vegan gardening that is designed to be totally solar as we expand our large-scale infrastructure. It offers an ecology experience to its world visitors as a working model for what can be done in their countries to maintain and protect the ecology.
Activating World Peace:: Since 1985 we have sponsored quarterly peace meditations throughout the U.S. and Europe, called Peace 21. Dr. Cousens also started the Peace Everyday Initiative to create peace, which is now practiced by over 192 organizations around the world. Learn more here.
Humanitarian Projects:: The Tree of Life International is dedicated to developing and sustaining organic farming, whole food nutrition education, feeding organic vegetarian food to children and elderly people, micro-business finance, and the natural cure and prevention of diabetes through programs in rural Africa and Mexico. In these nations we are creating a model of transformation for the healing of the planet. Dr. Cousens has developed a remarkable approach to restoring healthful diets and lifestyle practices in rural communities in Mexico, Ghana, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and other parts of the world. Through The Tree of Life Foundation’s mission, Dr. Cousens incorporates decades of research and experience as a leading holistic physician and spiritual guide in order to help empower communities across the world. The programs of The Tree of Life Foundation are focused on returning these people back to their original ways of eating through connecting back with the earth and the gifts it has to offer each of them in their particular region. Learn more here.
Reversing Diabetes In Native Americans:: We are doing work with the Native American population in the US in conjunction with Dennis Banks, head of the American Indian Movement (AIM), and were supportive of his Walk Across America for Diabetes with Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, M.D. speaking at the end of the march in Washington, D.C. in 2011. Eventually these efforts will move into a more preventative program for the Native American world. We have laid the groundwork to begin programs in helping and teach Native Americans in every tribe throughout the U.S. how to heal diabetes naturally and to eliminate it as a predatory disease in their society. Once this is started, we have the background to begin to heal the alcoholism problem in Native American societies. The diabetes and alcohol problems exist in many indigenous people around the world. Once the Native American program has proven successful in the U.S. we hope to begin similar work with the Mayori tribes in New Zealand and the Aborigines in Australia where these problems are epidemic. Learn more here.
Reversing Diabetes Worldwide:: Recent statistics show drastic increases in rates of diet and lifestyle-related diseases including metabolic syndrome (often a precursor to diabetes), heart disease, obesity and Type Two diabetes in non-Western nations. This is due to an increasingly globalized food economy that has shifted many indigenous cultures away from their original local diets with the introduction of refined flour, sugar, bread, meat and dairy products, which contributes to the epidemic. The switch to processed, toxic diets has created massive health problems previously unseen in cultures with strong local agricultural and whole, organic, plant-rich diets. In his book, There is a Cure for Diabetes, Gabriel Cousens, M.D. M.D.(H), establishes that diabetes can be reversed naturally and he is doing formal research to prove this. The Tree of Life has a Reversing Diabetes Naturally program in the U.S. in which approximately 70% of people have healed from non-insulin dependent diabetes. Learn more here.
The Creation of an NGO:: In conjunction with Portable Practical Educational Preparation, Inc. (PPEP), King Nana Otimpong Otibribi III of Ghana, Dr.Clement or C.A.C. Eronini acting Eze (King) of the Awo Mbeiri Kingdom in Nigeria, and the Tree Of Life Foundation, we have created the West Africa Rural Empowerment Society, which is has official NGO status.
Founder, Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
Gabriel Cousens M.D., M.D.(H), D.D. (Doctor of Divinity), Diplomate of American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, Diplomate Ayurveda is considered the leading live-food medical doctors and spiritual nutrition experts in the world, and, is recognized as “the fasting guru and detoxification expert” by the New York Times. He is also a psychiatrist, family therapist, Ayurvedic practitioner, homeopath, acupuncturist, medical researcher, ecological leader, and bestselling author of books such as Spiritual Nutrition, Conscious Eating, Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine, and There Is a Cure for Diabetes.
He received his M.D. degree from Columbia Medical School in 1969 and completed his psychiatry residency in 1973. Dr. Cousens was the Chief Mental Health Consultant for the Sonoma County Operation Head Start and a consultant for the California State Department of Mental Health. He is listed in the Who’s Who in California, Who’s Who among Top Executives, Strathmore’s Who’s Who, and National Register’s Who’s Who and is a former member of the Board of Trustees of the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA).
Gabriel Cousens, MD has developed the first live-food, vegan Masters program in the world in conjunction with University of Integrated Science California. He is the director and founder of the Tree of Life Foundation and the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, called by Harper’s Magazine, “One of the world’s best 10 yoga and detoxification retreats”. Dr. Cousens has taught about live-foods, spirituality, and diabetes prevention throughout courtries all over the world.
Gabriel Cousens is married to Shanti Golds Cousens and has two children and three grandchildren.
Board of Directors
Tree of Life Foundation Board of Directors
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Shanti Golds-Cousens |
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Heather Cousens |
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Rafael Cousens |
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Kevin Ryerson |
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David Wagner |